31 December 2007

Continental Divide Cabin Hut Trip

Temps maxed out at 7F as we skiied into the Continental Divide Cabin (10th Mtn Hut site) near Tenessee Pass (500K topo).

This hut didn't have great views like most of the other huts but it was only a mile ski in - a perfect trip for the kids (See Dillon and Julia at left). Someone had built igloos outside. Good fun for the kids and us too. Much thanks to Jaimie and Brianna and Ben-Ben for inviting us.

More pics here!

26 December 2007

A white Christmas

We had a white christmas this year. Snow on the ground is not too uncommmon but it actually snowed all day! Here's a shot of Julia at the back door. Good day with the usual excellent Christmas dinner party!

Here's a few more pics of getting the tree, christmas eve skating, the christmas eve bobcat and christmas day!

24 December 2007

The Christmas Eve Bobcat

Mia called down the hall - BOBCAT!!
Julia and I ran down to get a look. Where? Where? Mia says - Behind the rock! It was a beaut, alright.

I ran off the get the camera and wonder of wonders - even got a few decent pics. Click here for a few more.

17 December 2007

Steve's 50th party

This was a great party! Here's a shot of me holding the guys up. (L2R - Bob Wood, me, Bob Horan, Chris Kulish). Now that I think of it, the chronology is interesting. Bob Horan and I climbed everywhere when I first came out to Colorado, Castleton Tower, Supercrack & the Titan in 2 days was a highlight for our first trip to Utah. Chris Kulish and I met because we had (past tense) the same girlfriend. Standing Rock was one of our big climbs. Bob Wood & I have done quite a bit of canyoneering as of late w/ a few first descents mixed in.

Thanks to Mia for setting it up. A few friends showed up that I haven't seen for years, namely Bob Horan & Chris. I didn't get too many pictures 'cause it was just too much fun.

A few more 50th related pics here.

13 December 2007

Steve is 50 !!

This was my present to myself on my 50th birthday! It was a real joy to hike to Chasm Lake junction (topo) by myself. I sprung the question on Mia in the morning - "Do you mind if I take a little hike, honey? without Julia and you? Please?" How could she say no .. on my 50th?

I was well rewarded with bitter cold but blue skies. A nice winter day on Long's Peak. I hadn't been close to the Diamond since my accident over 10 years ago. Nice to hike to 11.5k and not a bad time either - for 50. Hah!

Sorry for the ugly mug shot. I'm usually much more handsome but you try holding the camera at arm's length in a 60mph wind AND trying to capture oneself AND the Diamond AND look good when your face is frozen. Well the looking good didn't happen ..

I was back in plenty time for a shower and shave before we went to Radda Trattoria for dinner - Great Italian Food!