22 May 2006

A second home in Crestone

Whew! It really happened. Many times it looked like it wasn't going to. Shivani Kitson, our realtor from Crestone Realty was excellent. She worked hard to make this happen.

The closing was in Saguache. She told us on the drive over that there's no stop lights in Saguache County and the population density is 1 person per sq. kilometer.

Mia & I feel a close attachment to the San Luis Valley and will give it our love. I wish we could move down permanently. While I can work anywhere, Mia's still growing her web design business, Web Yodel. In the meantime, we'll stay in Crestone, actually Baca Grande, between renters .. yeah, we can't afford a our second home outright even if it's only a 1000 sq. ft.

Here's a pic of Bump and the Battle Wagon blocking the front of the house. You can still see a bit of the house ... More pics to come.

1 comment:

Charlie said...

I need to get me one of these. Good work!