23 April 2006

Nice weekend at home

After the last few hectic, adventure filled weekends, we had a fun weekend at home. Well sort of ...

The daffodils are in full bloom ... (as usual, click the image for full effect)

... and we have a heck of a lot of wood to split. I've always split logs with my maul but I have way too much too split this year (.. and yeah, I'm getting older). Here's a picture of one pile. Like I said, way too much. It'd take me all summer in my spare time.

I rented a 22 ton hydraulic gas powered splitter for $85. It took us over a day to do most but not all of it. Margit did all the splitting on Sunday while I stacked the wood in the shed. It's pretty interesting. The splitting ram moves very slow with much force. I guess 22 tons to be exact. Dry ponderosa splits excellent. Green ponderosa is a bit messier. Either way, it's beats splitting by man power.

Sunday night, just before dinner, we saw a fox. Nothing unusual there but this time I had a camera handy.

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