27 February 2007

Welcome to El Potrero Chico, Mexico

The roosters bring in the morning. The wind opens the curtains, pushes the beer cans down the canyon road and makes the palm fronds wave proudly up on the cliff walls. The indigenous are friendly .. very friendly. We are in the land of aftermarket mufflers ... Mexico.

We wake up Sunday morning after a big travel day yesterday. My luggage made it. Mia's and Julia's didn't. We opened the door to see where were were. Lemon and fig trees surrounded our casita. We were staying at the Posado, a ten minute walk from the climbing at El Potrero Chico (wikipedia). There was no snow on the ground. This was a good start .. and very different than Saturday morning in Boulder.

While waiting for our luggage, we explored (pic of the hike in) the canyon's climbing areas and went to town to pick up food. We planned to walk to the store in town but it was not to be. We got about 200 feet before a Ford pickup stopped and asked us for a ride. Nice guys. A bit drunk but nice ... They made it clear that they loved the U.S. They didn't talk to Mia. They talked to me - even though I only know my numbers, in Spanish, to 10. Mia is much better in Spanish but it appears men only talk to men. This was the case in the food store also. They re-appeared after we were almost done shopping to drive us back. By the time we arrived back at the Posada, I was their brother. I mean it! One guy was almost in tears. We thanked them profusely.

Then we found that our luggage had arrived. Time to climb!

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